Order of Battle of the British Expeditionary Force in France and Belgium, August and September 1914 in the First World War Photograph taken during the visit by senior British officers to the French training camp at Mailly, in July 1914, showing from the left General Allenby, General Grierson an...
Date: July 28, 1914 - November 11, 1918 Participants: Bulgaria France Germany Italy Japan Ottoman Empire Portugal Russia United Kingdom United States (Show more) Major Events: Gallipoli Campaign First Battle of the Somme Battle of Verdun Christmas Truce Battle of Passchendaele (Show more) ...
The First World War began on July 28, 1914 and two weeks later, my grandfather was on active service in France and Belgium. He was captured (俘获) at Landrecies on October 18, 1914 and was kept in prison at Sennelager...
their sense of shame will bring them not only to an external conformity but to an organic order. 杨伯峻曾引用《礼记·缁衣篇》对例 3 文中的 “ 有耻且格 ” 进行解释:“ 夫民,教之以德,齐之以礼,则民有格心;教...