ZiYu_HE_Beethoven_Sonata_op_30_3_in_G_MAJOR_-_YouTube 是在优酷播出的音乐高清视频,于2014-06-27 23:38:38上线。视频内容简介:ZiYu_HE_Beethoven_Sonata_op_30_3_in_G_MAJOR_-_YouTube
ZiYu_HE_Beethoven_Sonata_op_30_3_in_G_MAJOR_-_YouTube 37 简介 1 / 2 03:12 用宫斗剧的方式打开《刘老根3》龙泉沟全员上演夺权大战 01:41 全员魔性励志rap!大批鸡汤语录来袭 01:45 大胖经典名场面,笑果十足!走过路过不要错过! 01:32 刘老根金句大赏,让人一听就发笑,这水平高!
Beethoven__Sonata_No.12_in_A-flat_Major,__Op.26,__Funeral_March__(Lewis,_Kovacev 57:43 Beethoven__Sonata_No.13_in_E-flat_Major,__Quasi_una_fantasia__(Korstick,_Lortie, 48:14 Beethoven__Sonata_quasi_una_fantasia,_No.14_in_C#_Minor,__Moonlight__(Lortie,_Ja 31:37 Beethoven...
youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbTVZMJ9Z2IMoonlight Sonata, Mvt. 1 音乐 演奏 月光奏鸣曲 Moonlight Sonata 贝多芬 Beethoven 特效钢琴 Rousseau 1st Movement 2024哔哩哔哩拜年纪预约活动现已开启 评论965 最热 最新 请先登录后发表评论 (・ω・) 发布 NO.045823 冰糖柠檬冻冻茶 月光奏鸣曲第...
Sonata No. 30 (Op. 109)11th September 2021(I wrote this text about the three sonatas Opp. 109-111 taken together.)We finally reach the conclusion of the journey. The last three sonatas were neither the last piano pieces Beethoven would write – he followed them with the Diabelli Variations...
Yes. In his early works, when Beethoven could hear the full range of frequencies, he made use of higher notes in his compositions. As his hearing failed, he began to use the lower notes that he could hear more clearly. Works including theMoonlight Sonata, his only operaFidelioand six sym...
Now to the sonatas: a solo sonata was not considered a piece for a big stage, but more a piece to be played in a private setting. Public concerts were rare in those days, and if they happened, it was more for orchestral pieces, arias and solo improvisations. Piano sonatas were rarely...
Jacky Tran/YouTube A Brief History of Beethoven'sMoonlight Sonata TheMoonlight Sonatawas written in 1800-1801, while Beethoven was living in Vienna.At this point in his life, Beethoven had not yet gone completely deaf, but his hearing had begun seriously deteriorating.In fact, the Heiligenstadt...
www.youtube.com/user/UIPianoPed Re: Difficulties? Beethoven Op. 53 Waldstein Kreisler #1352489 01/18/10 08:53 AM jnod 500 Post Club Member Joined: Apr 2009 Posts: 794 Toronto Did you perform it? Justin---Bach English Suite #5Scarlatti Sonata K141 . L422Mozart Sonata K333Schubert...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BV7RkEL6oRc 原曲: Moonlight Sonata (3rd Movement) - Beethoven 作品类型: 翻奏曲 演奏乐器: 钢琴 乐谱: https://www.patreon.com/posts/21765884 (无法海外支付的 也可私信up购谱呢~) 音频: 网易云音乐电台"特效钢琴音乐辑"或 用户"MoMeak小麦" MIDI: https://patr...