Beesia calthifolia (Maxim.) Ulbr. in Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berl. 10: 872. 1929; Hand. -Mazz. Symb. Sin. 7: 271. 1931; 中国高等植物图鉴1: 661, 图1321. 1972; 秦岭植物志1 (2) : 248, 图212. 1974. ——Cimicifuga calthaefolia Maxim. ex Oliv. in Hook. Ic. pl. 34: t. 1746...
cordata was already described by Maximowicz in Hooker's Icones Plantarum (1888) as Cimicifuga calthifolia Maximowicz ex Oliver, but based on priority of publication Ulbrich(1929) synonyms B. cordata Balfour & Smith under B. calthifolia (Maximowicz ex Oliver) Ulbrich.Indian Forester...
1-2 、铁破锣(毛茛科,铁破锣属)Beesia calthifolia3-4 、川中南星(天南星科,天南星属)Arisaema wilsonii 5 、莲叶点地梅(报春花科,点地梅属)Androsace henryi 6 、掌叶报春(报春花科,报春花属)Primula palmata 7 、窄瓣鹿药(百合科,鹿药属)Smilacina paniculata8 、小南星(天南星科,天南星属)Arisaema parvum...
甘肃:宕昌、康县。B.calthifolia也分布于缅甸北部。地图173. 科中文名:毛茛科 科拉丁名:Ranunculaceae 本科概述:该科为一原始科,约50属,1900种,主要分布于北温带。我国有40属,约700种,全国各地均产。其中7属为我国特有属。 《Flora of China》 Vol. 6 (2001) Beesia deltophyllaC. Y. Wu ex P. K. Hs...
The article focuses on Beesia calthifolia found in moist meadows and woodlands in China. It mentions that B. calthifolia's name came from the Bees of Chester, a British nursery firm that sponsored the plant-hunting expeditions of British plant explorers George Forrest and Frank Kingdon-Ward....
对Beesia calthifolia等5种金莲花亚科植物的核糖体DNA中的内转录间隔区(ITS)序列及5.8S rRNA基因的3′端序列进行了测定。这几种金莲花亚科植物的ITS-1的长度范围为225~232 bp,ITS-2 的长度范围为201~217 bp。B.calthifolia的ITS-1(227 bp)和ITS-2(215 bp)的长度及序列均与升麻 属及类叶升麻属植物...
The paper reports chromosomal number and chromosomal morphologies of annual Aconitum gymnandrum endemic to China and Beesia calthifolia for the first time. Of the two spcies, chromosome number is same (X=8, 2n=16) and chromosome average lengths are 6.17μ , 10.73μ respectively. The longest...
Eight new cycloartane triterpenoids from Beesia calthifolia with hepatoprotective effects against d -galactosamine induced L02 cell damage[J] . Li-She Gan,Dan-Jun Zheng,Qian Liu,Jing Zhou,Min-Zhe Zhang,Wei Yao,Bai-Hao Shao,Jian-Xia Mo,Chang-Xin Zhou.Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters ...
Eight new cycloartane triterpenoids from Beesia calthifolia with hepatoprotective effects against d -galactosamine induced L02 cell damage[J] . Li-She Gan,Dan-Jun Zheng,Qian Liu,Jing Zhou,Min-Zhe Zhang,Wei Yao,Bai-Hao Shao,Jian-Xia Mo,Chang-Xin Zhou.Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters ...
Eight new cycloartane triterpenoids from Beesia calthifolia with hepatoprotective effects against d -galactosamine induced L02 cell damage[J] . Li-She Gan,Dan-Jun Zheng,Qian Liu,Jing Zhou,Min-Zhe Zhang,Wei Yao,Bai-Hao Shao,Jian-Xia Mo,Chang-Xin Zhou.Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters ...