Bees are organized pests so getting rid of them by traditional methods do not usually work. The prolonged presence of a bee hive inside your home can also lead to permanent damage on the walls, roof or even chimneys which can only be solved through a complete renovation. Besides this, the ...
Bumblebees live in colonies of up to 150 worker bees with one queen.There are over 250 different species in the Bumblebee family! Interestingly, Bumblebees are one of few bee families that can pollinate plants inside of a greenhouse.Because of this talent, they have been commercially bred t...
During the day I heard them tunneling through the walls of my bedroom, sounding like a radio tuned to static in the next room, and I imagined them in there turning the walls into honeycombs, with honey seeping out for me to taste. The bees came the summer of 1964, the summer I turned...
Finally, sometime close to midnight, when my eyelids had nearly given up the strain of staying open, a purring noise started over in the corner, low and vibrating, a sound you could almost mistake for a cat. Moments later shadows moved like spatter paint along the walls, catching the lig...
The first important difference is thesting, that only can be found in females, because of its origin; the sting in fact evolved from the ovipositor system. It can be often be retracted inside the abdomen and thus not being visible at a first sight – so be careful petting a bee!
that this might have been what contributed to the absconding and collapse of the colony, maybe the queen found her way into the upper honey dome and couldn’t find her way back to the hive body, which set off some sort of panic in the hive that the queen had been lost and that they...
jackets commonly nest in the ground but sometimes in wall voids and attics. Hornets build nests in bushes, on tree branches, sometimes on the sides of buildings, and in attics and walls. Paper wasps construct their nests in trees, under the eaves of houses, in attics, and in other ...
In Mission, BC, there is a grotto for an icon to the Queen of Heaven aka, “Our Lady of Lourdes” and one winter that grotto had an invasion of ladybugs. There were millions of ladybugs all over the building. The walls of the grotto were white, but you could not see a single inch...
When the figure bent down over me, I got a look through the clear visor of the mask. I looked into the shining eyes of the demon. I woke up in a blanket that smelled of grease. Gusts tore at the roof, rattling the tools on the wall and the walls themselves. Into the rattling, ...
Experts here say that they now worry that the famed Dutch water management system actually works too well and that citizens will begin to take for granted the nation’s success in staying dry. As global climate change threatens to raise sea levels by as much as four feet by the end of ...