These accounts disclose, finally, some human interest to the bottle replacement affair. A journalist noted no monument would be raised to the old bottle.The headlinestated (my translation), “If They Could Speak, What Stories They Could Tell …”. A final reckoning, of a kind. If nothing e...
more vulnerable staff will get ideas. Any action he takes against me, will leave him in a delicate position. If he gives me grief, I can resign and sue for bullying. I have kept a careful log of his actions and am a member of a trades union, so I’ll see him in court – unfair...
You know, much is being written on the murk with many names. Kinderbier. London murk. NEIPA. Gak from the primary. Milkshake. It’s gotten so bad in fact that even Boston Beer is releasing one, a sure sign that a trend is past it. Some call it a game changer, never minding that...
Until I spotted one of the toxic names from my blacklist. Deflated, I immediately replied to the email letting them know that I could not participate. I told them why too. That was that. It felt quite good for a minute. My total concurrence: I won’t ruin the punchline but, again,...
one of the best names for a publishing house. What’s coming next? A cookbook? A collection of poetry? A science fiction novel? Yes to all of the above! And, one of their imprints published The Best of Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet. RHP? Meh. And, only 1 letter away from RIP...
'It was a very proud moment. Just wonderful,' he says.There was even a Royal endorsement, with Prince William telling him that Prince Charles would be very proud of Adnams for all its environmentally friendly work, which was a welcome recognition of the decision taken some years ago to be...
Russian beer is quite good too, strong and nice to drink, the only pity is how to pronounce the names of the beers as must start with a Z and after a few beers are hard to remember. In Russia, beer is the second most popular alcoholic drink after vodka, seen by many as a healthie...
Guinness, Barclay Perkins, and Whitbread in the U.K. were some of the better-known names on the brewery tour circuit. Gooderham & Worts’ and Hiram Walker’s distilleries in Ontario also regularly received admiring tours, some of which were written up in technical and general media. ...
The first is run by CAMRA, a UK lobby group for the beer buying public, while the second is run by the Brewers Association, the USA trade association for brewers other than the really big brewers. The change coming to the GBBF is its move from London to new venue in the reasonably ...