Or sign in with your social account: Description This manga has an anime adaptation, but I recommend the manga rather than the anime as it has already been finished and it is the original story. Plot: The Beelzebub manga is about this invincible delinquent who found this mysterious baby by...
Anime Debut Episode 1 Manga Debut Chapter 1 Voice Actors Voice Actors Shizuka Itō Demon Beelzebub IV Appearance Hilda is an extremely beautiful young woman with glossy blonde hair that covers one side of her face and is usually tied in a bun, forest green eyes and has a large bust (on pa...
Looking for anime similar to Beelzebub? A high school delinquent raising the son of the Demon Lord is such a crazy premise, yet, the anime knows exactly how to make it work. It’s such a funny manga adaptation, but it also knows when to deliver the touching moments in between. If...
Oga's perfect impression of himself is like a boy in a shōjo manga while holding a glass of wine. While Oga's hair is portrayed as dark brown in the anime and manga, some manga chapters depict it as being a lighter brown. See also ...
“A man shouldn't go crying like that. People’ll think you’re weak.” Is this your favorite quote from Beelzebub? Since it's such a great anime, let's rank the ...
Beelzebub (べるぜバブ Beruzebabu) is a manga written and illustrated by Ryūhei Tamura. It was first published in Weekly Shōnen Jump's 2008 volume 37-38, then serialized in 2009 and is ongoing. An OVA was announced in July 2010, while the anime adaptati
Anime Debut Episode 26 Manga Debut Chapter 80 Voice Actors Voice Actors Minako Kotobuki Yolda(ヨルダ ,Yoruda) is aTransdimensionalDemon MaidandHilda's sister. Yolda carries a mop with her, which she uses as a weapon much as Hilda uses her parasol. The two seem to have an unsettled score...
Looking for anime similar to Beelzebub? A high school delinquent raising the son of the Demon Lord is such a crazy premise, yet, the anime knows exactly how to make it work. It’s such a funny manga adaptation, but it also knows when to deliver the touching moments in between. I...
Looking for anime similar to Beelzebub? A high school delinquent raising the son of the Demon Lord is such a crazy premise, yet, the anime knows exactly how to make it work. It’s such a funny manga adaptation, but it also knows when to deliver the touching moments in between. If you...