at once, so be diligent about your serving size, or choose single-serving bags or bars to make it easy. And pair your snack with a side of hydration. "Because of the sodium content, I recommend having an extra eight ounces of water per one ounce of jerky," says Savage. Happy ...
Beef heart jerky Chili Gumbo How to clean beef heart Beef heart, like other offal, requires a bit of prep before you cook it, but it’s actually kind of fun. It’s not that much work, and there is something viscerally entertaining about cutting the chambers and preparing the heart (it...
Andie Ovard, an intuitive eating dietitian, wrote this blog post about including beef in a healthy diet. Andie has been a registered dietitian nutritionist for 11 years. After working for 8 years at the University of Utah hospital as a clinical dietitian in the cardiac ICU she moved to AZ ...
strain, and pour it into a ceramic or glass container. You can even flavor the tallow with herbs like thyme or your own seasoning blend to have a sort of compound fat you can use as well. Just remove the extra ingredients before freezing if you want...
Peppered beef jerky is a rich source of protein dedicated directly to repairing your muscles and a great source if you are a fitness/workout freak. 2. Clean eating Since it contains no harmful fats or sugar, it is your clean, guilt-free snack. ...