1952. Length of gestation period in beef cattle. J. Heredity. 43:99.Wheat, J. D., and J. K. Riggs. 1952. Length of gestation pe- riod in beef cattle. J. Heredity 43: 99.WHEAT, J. D . & RIG G S, J. K . (1952). Length of the gestation period in beef cattle. J. ...
Genetic Parameters of Birth Weight and Weaning Weight and Their Relationship with Gestation Length and Age at First Calving in Hanwoo (Bos taurus coreanae) Hanwoo cattle is considered one of the most economically important species and sources of nutrition for Koreans. Thus, both the reproductive ...
Maternal nutrition during the late gestation affects marbling fat in offspring. Wagyu cattle are well known for their very high marbling with more unsaturated fatty acid contents, but they grow slower than Angus cattle. The interaction between maternal diet and breed on marbling fat development is ...
Reproductive losses in beef cattle rearing on extensive system production: Effects of genotype and parity The greatest losses were observed rather in primiparous than in nulliparous and multiparous cows without difference between the latter two. The use of ... RV Paradizo,R P茅Rezclariget,AC Espa...
Animal sciences Beef cattle production| Understanding the effect of heifer development systemlate gestation protein supplementationand ovarian steroidogenic environment on productivityreproductionand longevity THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA - LINCOLN Richard N. Funston...
GOYACHE, F, I. FERNANDEZ, I. ALVAREZ, L.J. ROYO and J.P. GUTIERREZ. 2002. Gestation length in the Asturiana de Los Valles beef cattle breed and its relationship with birth weight and calving ease. Arch. Zootec. 51: 431 - 439....
Genetic analysis for gestation length, birth weight, weaning weight, and accumulated productivity in Nellore beef cattle. Livest Sci 2014;170:16e21.CHUD, T.C.S. et al. Genetic analysis for gestation length, birth weight, weaning weight, and accumulated productivity in Nellore beef cattle. ...
Beef cattle production: Understanding the effect of heifer development system, late gestation protein supplementation, and ovarian steroidogenic environment on productivity, reproduction, and longevity.Beef cattle longevity is related to reproductive success, which can be influenced by development system and ...
Beef cattlePregnancy diagnosisThe objective of this experiment was to determine if circulating concentrations of pregnancy associated glycoproteins (PAG) on day 24 of gestation can be utilized to diagnose pregnancy and embryo viability in beef cattle. Postpartum beef cows (n?=?677) and heifers (n...
Beef cattlePregnancy diagnosisThe objective of this experiment was to determine if circulating concentrations of pregnancy associated glycoproteins (PAG) on day 24 of gestation can be utilized to diagnose pregnancy and embryo viability in beef cattle. Postpartum beef cows (n = 677) and heifers (n...