A Snow Tiara is a level 12 Beesmas Beequip. It has an equip limit of one. There is no color requirement. It can only be equipped to Cool, Stubborn, Shocked, Frosty, Diamond, and Windy bees. The bee must be gifted for it to be equipped. Purchasing the Roy
A Snowglobe is a level 7 Beesmas beequip. It has an equip limit of two. There is no color requirement. It can only be equipped to Basic, Bumble, Cool, Bucko, Frosty, or Windy bees. As a drop from Mondo Chick (rare). As a reward for completing Gifted Buck
Windy Bee: Collecting pollen is the name of the game and the best bee for this particular job is Windy Bee. It gives an excellent bonus to white conversion and its Rain Cloud ability is also fantastic, as it increases the benefit you’ll get from Rain Clouds that spawn near you from ot...
you must donate Cloud Viles to the Wind Shrine. Each time you donate one, there is a small chance to gain the Windy Bee. You can only have one. It has several speed bonuses and can use your Haste stacks to summon a Tornado to damage enemies and collect tokens. It also...
Start a Back Yard Honey Bee Hive: This Spring I knocked off one of my long standing to do's - free range bees! Just kidding well - sort of. We started two hives of honey bees. My dad has kept bees for the majority of my adult life - sadly a turn in his
Windy Bee Quest Bees Gifted Bucko Bee Gifted Riley Bee Honey Bee (NPC) Mobs Ants Aphid Ladybug Mantis Rhino Beetle Scorpion Spider Werewolf Mini-Bosses Rogue Vicious Bee Wild Windy Bee Stump Snail Commando Chick Bosses Coconut Crab King Beetle ...
Puppy BeeClover, Cactus, SpiderRose Tabby BeeClover, SpiderCactus Vicious BeeBlue Flower, Cactus, RoseDandelion Windy BeeDandelion, CoconutBamboo, Strawberry Trivia The Emoticons were removed for an unknown period of time, but were reimplemented in the1/12/24 update....
Beesmas Lights would occasionally appear in fields as the player collects pollen after completing Science Bear's Beesmas Lights quest. They would fall from the sky in a similar way to the Star Shower passive, taking 2 seconds to fall. Whenever a Beesmas
The Clover Field is one of the five starting fields any player is able to visit upon starting the game. It is protected by a ladybug and a rhino beetle. This field is a 26x29 field, containing 754 flowers. The flowers are white, red, and blue, in sizes o
Black Bear is a Quest Giver located at the very beginning of the game. He is one of the eight permanent Quest Bears that can be accessed in the game, with the others being Brown Bear, Mother Bear, Panda Bear, Science Bear, Dapper Bear, Polar Bear, and Sp