Emoticons are a mechanic for showing a bee's mood. The mood can be affect how much bond a bee gets when it collects pollen, how fast the bee flies, and can even enable some bees to find certain stickers when collecting. It does not affect other stats, su
Donate Wobbly Looker Bee, Traffic Light, or Atom Symbol Stickers to the Sticker Stack. Among these methods, Meteor Showers and Puffshrooms have become the go-to choices for manyBee Swarm Simulatorplayers hunting for Neonberries. Many of these activities are designed for multiple players, so you ...
Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki Others Like You Viewed Pulsar Fire Mask Petal Wand Onett Panda Bear Top Pages this Week Codes 1 Spirit Bear 2 Nectar 3 Gift Boxes 4 Black Bear 5 Advertisement Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki 629 pages Explore Main Page ...