Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki 629 pages What's on your mind? TEXT POLL NotKhyuchok 2.0·8hin General finally tunnel bear actually gives me something good gifted diamond egg and diamond egg TSVG·3hin General this is a perfect red hive
Emoticons are a mechanic for showing a bee's mood. The mood can be affect how much bond a bee gets when it collects pollen, how fast the bee flies, and can even enable some bees to find certain stickers when collecting. It does not affect other stats, su
The Snow Machine is a machine added in the Beesmas 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2024 Event. It's usable after completing Gifted Bucko Bee's Beesmas quest. The snow machine has only one primary purpose, which is to summon a Snow Storm across the map. When a playe
The Ant Challenge is a challenge found past the Ant Gate, with the objective being to defeat as many ants as possible. The player needs 20 bees in order to pass the Ant Gate and play the Ant Challenge. An ant pass is also required each time to participat