This is the one of three beequips to give a unique ability. The Snowglobe's unique ability is also the only way to get the Cool Breeze buff outside of Beesmas. The other two areReindeer AntlersandFestive Wreath. Items Inventory
Beequips Boots Gliding Tools Guards Hats Planters Inventory Ant Pass Eggs Gumdrops Honey Royal Jelly Tickets Treats Stickers Mechanics Ability Tokens Badges Bond Codes Sprout Other Mechanics 🌼 Locations Fields Shops Gates Machines Transportation Other Places Ki...
This is an inferior version of the Golden Rake, which can be bought in the Mountain Top Shop for 20,000,000 (20 million) honey. The Rake originally costed 1,100 honey, however this was eventually changed. Items Inventory Tools Accessories Beequips Planters Categories...
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