Sometimes the remedy for a medical condition is the simplest. While many ‘old wives tails’ are just that – some actually have a grain of truth in them. Below are some ideas on natural treatments of bee stings be it at home, while traveling or 20 miles deep in the back country on a...
Mud is a common home remedy, however mud contains a lot of germs and may even contain tetanus spores. It’s an unsafe home remedy that you should avoid. Baking soda, vinegar and bee stings Both baking soda and apple cider vinegar (used separately) are said to neutralize bee venom. Unfort...
Honey is an excellent remedy in the case of bee stings. This is one of the anciently used remedy for the same. Applying honey over the bitten areas of skin can help in reducing the infection. Baking soda is another remedy in the case ofhoney bee sting. Applying a paste of baking soda...
If you were stung on your arm or leg, elevate it. Remove any tight-fitting jewelry from the area of the sting. As it swells, rings or bracelets might be difficult to remove. 3. Treat Symptoms For pain, take an over-the-counter painkiller likeacetaminophenoribuprofen. Do not giveaspirinto...
as well as stings on the face and/or inside the mouth, may be extremely painful. A good natural pain remedy is a mixture of baking soda and water – soak a cloth with the mix and put it over the wound. Another option is to make a trip to the vet and get special pain control med...
Vinegar is another home remedy touted for bee stings. But vinegar is acidic and can burn your skin, so it may not be the best choice. What is the best treatment for a wasp sting? Treat a wasp sting the same way you would a bee sting — remove the stinger, clean the wound, and ap...
(i) When vinegar is rubbed on Bunty's skin having wasp sting? (ii) When baking soda solution is rubbed on Arti's arm having ant's sting? (g) What values are displayed by Reema in this whole episode? View Solution (a). What happens during a bee sting? What is its remedy? (...
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