Bee sting on the eyeball If you are stung on the eyeball, you'll probably need to be evaluated by aneyedoctor. Can I Prevent a Sting Reaction? Once you've had an allergic reaction to a sting, you're at risk for a more serious reaction if you're stung again. You can take steps t...
Swelling away from the area of the sting, especially swelling of the face, tongue, or hands Hoarseness or trouble speaking Nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, cramps, or vomiting Fast heartbeat or pulse Skin that severely itches, tingles, swells, or turns red Anxiety, feelings of faintness, or...
a sting on your dog’s nose will be much more painful than a sting on the back. However, not the pain but the poison that is injected into the dog’s body by the stinger and the reaction to that poison present the real danger of bee stings. ...
FIRST AID: Bee Sting? Be QuickAJN The American Journal of Nursing
Especially at increased risk are small children, elderly people, and people who are already weak. These serious problems may occur within the first few hours of being stung or may be delayed for days after being stung. Even a single sting in the mouth or throat can cause swelling and obstru...
Bee and wasp stings of the eye. Retained intralenticular wasp sting: A case report. Two different stages should be considered in the management of bee and wasp stings to the eye. The first is the acute stage of activity of the specific insect venom on the structures the eye. The reaction...
If the sting is located in the eye or eye area If symptoms of infection (pus, drainage, fever, increasing pain and redness) develop If the initial symptoms worsen or persist for longer than 24 to 48 hours If a sting produces severe symptoms in young children, the elderly, or those with...
Excess saliva or eye tearing Nausea and vomiting Care & treatment Most bites and stings require only minimal treatment. If a stinger is present, remove it by scraping a credit card or other straight-edged item across the stinger, according to the NIH. Use a pair of tweezers to remove a ti...
getting stung by a bee, wasp, hornet or yellowjacket (all of which we classify under the term “bee sting”). Fortunately, bee sting treatment is usually straightforward. Home remedies and some over-the-counter first aid items are typically all you need to care for your bee sting. ...
The compound eyes are made of lots of small, repeating eye parts called ommatidia. Each of a honey bee’s compound eyes contain over 6900 separate facets, allowing it to see in front, to the side, above and below itself. Those two large compound eyes are well suited for detecting movemen...