This is a broad area and one of our most popular spots for visitors. And remember, no question is a bad question so ask away! Scroll down to see hundreds of submissions on virtually every bee pollen topic you can imagine. We Discuss ALL Things Bee Pollen here!
A bee sting is when a bee injects you with its venom from a stinger on its abdomen. The venom can be quite painful, especially for children, and will almost immediately cause red and swollen skin at the location of the sting. With how the biology of a bee stinger works, sometimes the...
Question:It has been four days, and my bee sting site is hard, swollen and red. It itches a lot. I'm not sure what kind of bee it was. Could have been a yellow jacket. It was very small. Is this normal? Answer:In my experience, bee stings or wasp stings can be sore and itch...
Honey bees, including killer bees, have barbed stingers that tear off when they try to fly away after stinging, so these bees die after the sting and thus can sting only one time. In this case, the stinger and venom sac typically remain embedded in the skin of the victim. Bumble bees,...
A bee sting is a type of sting from a venomous insect, such as a bee, wasp, hornet, or similar insect. To treat a bee sting...
The bumble bee sting is one of the most painful and can remain swollen and irritated for days. Because bumblebees will sting when threatened, homeowners are advised to contact a professional bee exterminator or experienced beekeeper if they find a nest....
Delayed effects, which can appear within hours or days of a sting or bite, include painful joints, swollen glands, hives or fever, according to the Mayo Clinic. A tiny tick In the case of ticks, symptoms can be more severe if the bite results in an infection or the transmission of a...
Matthew McConaughey shared that his right eye got swollen from a bee sting, but kept his sense of humor about it, writing, "bee swell."
The sting was on his foot, and the next morning, the entire foot was swollen. Is this serious? How do you treat bee stings? What insect repellents work the best at preventing them? California Dr. Greene's Answer While it may not be readily apparent in the insulated, air-conditioned ...
🙂 A bee sting to my hand brought me here as well wondering what on earth is the message as I am an artist and teacher. My right hand is the one I use predominantly to paint and got sting whiles I was sleeping Day 2 and its still swollen . 🙂 Love bees and animals in general...