The wonders of bees and pollination come alive with this beautifully-illustrated activity book. From fascinating facts to fun quizzes, there’s plenty of bee stuff in the Little Book of Pollinators to get the entire family excited about these little pollinators and all the amazing things they...
Bee Facts For Kids Who doesn’t love delicious, sweet honey? Learn more about honey bees and how they produce the honey we enjoy! First, bees have a super important role aspollinators for flowering plants. Bees transfer pollen between the male and female parts of a flower, which helps pla...
By participating in events, sharing information, and supporting conservation efforts, we can help ensure the survival of these vital insects and the countless plants that depend on them for pollination. So let's create a buzz and join the global celebration of these remarkable pollinators that ...
Fun Bee Facts Approximately one-third of the food we eat is a result of honey bee pollination so if you like to eat be sure you’re taking steps to #savethebees In a worker bees short life, about 6-8 weeks, they will fly the equivalent distance of one and a half times the circumf...
In addition to learning about hives and the role of bees in pollination, we’re also learning about the life cycle of a bee. So interesting! Note:This post was originally published in 2015. The post and the packet were completely updated in 2021. It is still a great fit for students in...
If bees went extinct, there would be a massive decline in the production of crops. Although crops like rice and wheat don’t require insect pollination, can people survive by eating rice and bread all their life? Effects on animals
Bees are flying ___ that play an important role in pollination, a process of reproduction by flowering plants. ___ is a thick, sweet fluid that is produced by bees, serving as stored food for these insects. The ___ bee plays a vital role in the hive because she is the only fema...
Berries, tomatoes, and squash in particular are highly dependent on bumblebee pollination.Studies have revealed that bumblebees may be more intelligent than first suspected. Upon finding a new source of food, they can communicate the location to fellow members of the colony. Consequently, bumble...
Actually, when I thought about it, it is quite easy to share a fascination with and appreciation for the relationships between insects and flowers and humans. For without pollination, we would have very little food. To have pollination, we need insects – honeybees, yes, but other pollinator...
On the back page, learn fun facts about honey bees and enjoy a DIY pollination activity! Lastly, help SugarBee find the apple tree by completing a maze filled with twists and turns. Click Here to download a free copy Video