I worked for a bit on my New Year’s cast on project, Winter’s Finery by Rosemary Hill (Romi Designs). I had to frog back a few rows because I saw a mistake in the center spine that I almost certainly made on Friday when I was teaching and talking and knitting. Yes, I still m...
(with a time change). Wednesday we picked up the dance floor and made a visit to Fancy Tiger Crafts, a co-op with yarn. I may have bought some local yarn and a US7 knitting needle. The project that I had intended to work on while we were away was NOT going to make me happy ...
HOW would you fancy building a 4ft tower of spaghetti - and then balancing a ball on top for not less than 30 seconds?Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
向左滑动查看英文版 广州市华美英语实验学校幼儿园成立于1993年6月,广州市最早以双语教育和多元文化为基本特色的私立寄宿制幼儿园,广东省一级幼儿园、广东省首届民办十佳幼儿园。2016年7月正式获批成为IB候选幼儿园,2020年1月正式获得IBO(国际文凭组织)...
I still make mistakes. Lots of them. Anyway, I frogged back and then knitting on … and I’ve now passed the point where I had been when I started frogging. Knitting takes patience and persistence, that’s for sure. This yarn is making me so happy and I’d like to do nothing but...
s apartment before heading home. New York City is so different from home but several parts of my heart live there and l am so grateful to have the flexibility to travel to the city when I am able. I went to help my daughter with childcare so that she could teach a master class in ...