What was the Bee Gees first number one hit? “How Can You Mend a Broken Heart” This song was the Bee Gees' first number one hit, spending four weeks at the top of the chart in 1971. How old was Robin Gibb when he passed away? Robin Gibb, a singer and songwriter who joined two ...
A rebirth of sorts for the Gibbs began in 1987 with the single “You Win Again” and continued two years later with the album and singleOne.Over the course of the decade, the Bee Gees released a number of fine albums that mixed their soulful leanings with a more acoustic sound and thei...
Robin & Maurice Gibb. Robin Gibb sang lead on this song and it would become one of his staple songs to perform during concerts. It later appeared on their 1968album,Horizontal. It was their first Number 1 hit inAustraliaand theUKand eventually becameone of the best-selling singles of ...
The Bee Gees had a smash hit with a song called 'Massachusetts,' but they weren't the only musical act to have a song with that title.
Bee Geeswas a pop and dance group with three brothers,Barry Gibb,Robin Gibband Maurice Gibb. Bee Gees had a long string of hit songs. Bee Gees wrote and recorded much of the soundtrack to movieSaturday Night Fever. This album was so popular that, at one point, songs written by the gr...
TheBee Geesstarted a four-week run at No.1 on the US singles chart with 'How Can You Mend A Broken Heart'. It was the group's tenth US hit and first No.1. The Bee Gees penned song was originally offered to Andy Williams, but ultimately The Bee Gees recorded it themselves, it was...
Composer (as the Bee Gees), Performer ("To Love Somebody", "Melody Fair", "First of May", "Give Your Best", "Morning of My Life (In The Morning)") Composer (as the Bee Gees), Performer ("To Love Somebody", "Melody Fair", "First of May", "Give Your Best", "Morning of My...
By 1996, as the Bee Gees approached the 30th anniversary of their first international hit, there also seemed to be a shift in the pop culture zeitgeist.Their fans around the world had always remained loyal, but in the media... among the power-brokers and gatekeepers... it suddenly became...
In March, their brother Andy suddenly died and the Bee Gees took a break until November when they returned to the studio to complete the album. The style of One was more melancholic than E.S.P., and heavily influenced by the loss of their brother. The first single from the album, "...
Main Course A must-have for any Bee Gees fan,Main Courseis a perfect slice of 70s pop and R&B. The album was recorded in Miami, Florida, a suggestion made to the group by Eric Clapton. Its number one hit, “Jive Talkin,” was originally called “Drive Talking,” has a rhythm ...