Tiny Bees: Sometimes, a small, simple design can make a big impact. Tiny bee tattoos are versatile and can be placed almost anywhere on the body. Vintage Illustrations: Drawing inspiration from vintage scientific illustrations of bees can give your tattoo an old-world charm mixed with a love ...
I’ve decided to post daily for a year (or more) on things that inspire me. Today is the first day. I’ve been very affected by the moon in the past few days with the FULL FLOWER MOON. There was also an eclipse apparently – but I missed that. ...
There is great interest in land management practices for pollinators; however, a quantitative comparison of landscape and local effects on bee communities is necessary to determine if adding small habitat patches can increase bee abundance or species richness. The value of increasing floral abundance a...
I went to the clothesline and was met with an unusual surprise.Not one but three bees seemed to be attracted to my dark,dripping tops.There those bees remained drawing water fromthat particular spot.I’d never been so aware of bees like this before,and, before I knew it, then arrived ...
Plants may benefit from limiting the community of generalist floral visitors if the species that remain are more effective pollinators and less effective pollenivores. Plants can reduce access to pollen through altered floral cues or morphological struct
body–a medium value fabric: small print or geometric, floral, Kaffe, but avoid fabrics that look “splotchy” when cut this small (such as cutting a giant polka dot in half)–generally anything in your stash. Have fun. Make me some colorful piglets. ears, feet, snout–a darker-toned ...
We determined body size using the length of the marginal wing cells, a metric that is highly correlated with body size (Owen, 1988; Shpigler et al., 2013). Within a single nest, queens and workers originated from different natal colonies; all workers originated from the same natal colony,...
Crossover Partner:HARPERs FLORAL Three Shadows Xiamen Photography Art Centre, in collaboration with Three Shadows +3 Gallery, is proud to unveil "STAGE OF INFINITY: PHOTOGRAPHY BY EIKOH HOSOE". This exhibition heralds the first significa...
Other modelers may use different techniques, but some sort of “fudging” or guesswork is often necessary with 3D modeling. To produce a flat painting or drawing of a vessel or other object doesn’t necessarily require precision when it comes to complex shapes, but a digital model exists in ...
drawing drawl drawly drawn dray drib drift drill drip dripping drippy droid droll drolly droning drool drooly droop drooping droopy drop dropping drought drown drug drugging druid drum drumroll dryad dryland dryly drywall duad dual dually dubbed dubbing ducal ducat duck ducked duct ducted ductility ...