This FPS boost PvP texture pack was created and designed to help the game run faster while still allowing for a good level of visuals. It has several useful features that will allow you to feel competitive in PvP. Despite the fact that the weapon is mostly retextured, it still has an ove...
How to DownloadBoomerNA 16x Bedwars Pack: Step 1: How to Download from If this is your first time downloading from our site, rest assured downloading from minecraft-resourcepacks is safe. Before downloading review the basics ofhow to download a pack here. Step 2: ...
If this pack doesn't fit your classification of a good PvP texture pack we have otherPvP Texture Packsfor Minecraft which are perfect to play for some fast paced Bedwars. Alternatively, if you want to increase the FPS of your game in order to give you more response time in dodging arrows...