In recent decades, there has been a global resurgence of bedbugs in urban environments, including major cities in the U.S. and Europe, according toresearch in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases, published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Factors include increases in...
Finally, the most recent update fromBed Bug ReportsshowsTHIS manyreports from motel/hotel customers in Illinois. Bed Bug Reports When you travel, you often have no choice but to stay in a hotel/motel when you don't have willing friends or family in Illinois that can give you a place to ...
The tiny pests were first reported in hotels and vacation rental apartments across the city during the summer. Then there were sightings in movie theaters and, in recent days, there have even been reports of bedbugs crawling around on seats in both national high-speed trains and the Paris Met...
There is an easy way to check and you deserve to know there are many in the Land of Lincoln which have very recent reports. TheIllinois section of the website Bed Bug Reportscollects data on what visitors are experiencing at hotels and motels they stay at. You can choose from almost any...
But to make matters worse locally, a recent survey by a national pest-control company has found that Chicago is the fifth-most bed-bug-infested city in the United States. “It’s an intriguing finding, especially since we’re having an epidemic of bed bugs and an epidemic of multidrug-res...
"Contrary to popular belief, their presence does not indicate a lack of cleanliness, and anyone can fall victim to an infestation in their home," the report states. "The upsurge in bed-bug infestations in recent years has been due in particular to the rise in travel and the increasing resi...
Bed Bug Problems in Major Florida Cities Florida’s warm climate and high tourism make it a hotspot for bed bug infestations.According to recent reports, several Florida cities rank among the top 50 in the U.S. for bed bug ...
Bed Bug ControlTerminix® Professional Bed Bug Control Helps You Get Rid of Bed Bugs Recent news reports have documented the alarming increase in bed bugs throughout the U.S. due to tighter environmental laws prohibiting effective pesticides, as well as increased world travel to and from ...
可上次换床单时,又在床垫上发现了一只,这下可把我吓坏了,赶紧上网查了一下,果然是bed bug! 于是,我立刻采取了一系列措施: 找专业杀虫公司来喷药,彻底消灭这些讨厌的小东西。 下单买了新的床架、床垫和床垫保护套,还有被子。这个床垫保护套真不错,带拉链的全密封设计,让人安心。 把衣帽间的衣服都拿到洗衣房...
Bed bugs have been in the news recently, with the so called 'outbreak' of bed bugs in Paris. With Paris hosting the Olympics later this year, it has certainly become a hot topic. But was there really an outbreak in Paris or was it just a media beatup? Here we have a closer look ...