由于面临财务不确定性,美国的家居用品连锁店Bed Bath & Beyond 准备在全美关闭150家门店。 图片来自cnbc,版权属于原作者 本周,Bed Bath & Beyond发布了一份即将关闭的56家门店的名单, 如果家附近正好有要关门的店,应该会有清仓活动,大家可以去看看。 以下是各州的完整列表: 加州 Burbank: 201 East Magnolia Blvd...
由于面临财务不确定性,美国的家居用品连锁店Bed Bath & Beyond 准备在全美关闭150家门店。 图片来自cnbc,版权属于原作者 本周,Bed Bath & Beyond发布了一份即将关闭的56家门店的名单,其中包括加州的8家门店。 如果家附近正好有要关门的店,应该会有清仓活动,大家可以去看看。 以下是各州的完整列表: 加州 Burbank:...
至少六家零售品牌宣布今年将在美国关闭门店,总数超过2000家。 其中,两次破产的Party City是名单上规模最大的连锁品牌,面临关闭的门店数量高达700家。 根据《商业内幕》对六家零售连锁品牌披露信息的统计,2025年美国已有或计划关闭的门店数量超过2000家。 这一数字较去年略有上升,但低于2023年。2023年,Bed Bath & ...
Bed Bath & Beyond is closing more stores. 43 more to be exact. All expected to be closed by the end of February. The company announced theclosure of 200 storeslast July. In September, plans were made toclose 63 of the 200 storesby the end of 2020. 6 of those locations were in New...
The 40 Bed Bath & Beyond stores closing in the U.S. are: California Chino Hills:13021 Peyton Drive Encino:17401 Ventura Blvd. Hemet:1165 S. Sanderson Ave. Santa Clarita:19211 Golden Valley Road Tracy:2886 West Grant Line Road Connecticut ...
If you've got any of those infamous "20% of your entire purchase at Bed Bath & Beyond" coupons laying around, you better use them soon. A whole crop of stores is closing. The retailer, which also operates buybuy Baby, Harmon Face Values, and World Market, announced that it will be ...
说起Bed Bath & Beyond,很多华人都对TA家大爱吧,简称BBB的这家店,常常有Dyson,Staub,Beeville,Smeg等网红电器产品打折特价,各种床品,卫浴用品等也都能找到性价比不错的。 去年,Bed Bath & Beyond在央街Aura的那家店结业清仓,一度...
Looking back to last year, it was obvious thatBed Bath & Beyond had some serious problems to deal with if they had any hopes of surviving. However, after watching what's taken place since they announced that they'd be closing 150 stores and laying off a bunch of their workforce, it ...
美国家居用品零售巨头Bed Bath& Beyond4月23日宣布,该公司及其部分子公司已在新泽西州申请破产保护,以有序地结束经营业务。根据公告,该公司将从本月26日起启动360家Bed Bath & Beyond门店和120家buybuy BABY门店清仓甩卖,之后这些门店将作为资产被拍卖或出售。Bed Bath & Beyond门店停止销售 拥有半个多世纪历史...
Bed Bath & Beyond正在撕下藍色的大招牌,並關閉數百家門店。該公司4月23日(週日)申請破產,並表示將開始關閉剩餘的360家Bed Bath & Beyond門店和120家BuyBuyBaby門店。過去一年,Bed Bath & Beyond已經關閉了400家門店。包括TJ Maxx、HomeGoods和Ross在內的連鎖店已經收購了一些空置的門店。零售業主和房地產分析師表...