萨默赛德民宿(Summerside Inn Bed and Breakfast)酒店信息 携程网为您提供萨默赛德民宿(Summerside Inn Bed and Breakfast)预订价格查询,涵盖该酒店电话、地址、交通、地图、点评以及萨默塞德、萨默塞德信息,使您入住萨默塞德更放心更省心。查看全部 预订快捷入口 泰国酒店 韩国酒店 日本酒店 马来西亚酒店 印度尼西亚酒...
Breakfast Served In A Victorian Diningroom Take Delight In The Company Of New Friends Experience Island Charm All Over Again Come for Christmas PreviousNext 123456 Welcome to our new website! Open all year round, the Summerside Inn B&B is a beautifully appointed late Victorian Queen Anne Revival...
Summerside Rotary Library174 米 Summerside Interpretive Centre and PEI Fox Museum76 米 Off The Wallz Splash Park400 米 Notre Dame Park622 米 Veteran's Memorial Park200 米 Wyatt Heritage Properties145 米 Harbourfront Theatre506 米 East Prince Womens Information Centre512 米 ...