Suzuki tells us that in the 1930s Yoshiya "represented adult same-sex love not as an alternative to heterosexuality but as a kind of sisterhood, an integral part of female identity that complements heterosexuality. Here the love between women is a pure and permanent bond that can be sustained...
For instance, students learn how to turn an idea into a packaged story, complete with images or other multimedia elements. Along with learning the basics of reporting and interviewing, students work on incorporating ledes, nut graphs and quotes into a clear and compelling story. Students also ...
*an ongoing series of quotations – mostly from artists, to artists – that offers wisdom, inspiration, and advice for the sometimes lonely road we are on. The essence of style is this: We have something in us, about us; it can be called many things, but for now let’s call it our...
They lived with her grandparents until she was almost an adult. She worked as a maid at a time when they fetched water in the river, and they had to chop holes in the ice during winter: “When I think back, I've had a lot of work. It was just work and we used the body for ...
“Becoming Quotes” Now I think it’s one of the most useless questions an adult can ask a child—What do you want to be when you grow up? As if growing up is finite. As if at some point you become something and that’s the end.Click To TweetIf you don’t get out there and ...
mean-spirited word vomit on my page. Especially when said words are uttered (or written) by someone who is supposed to be mature. An adult. At least according to their chronological age. If nothing else, dealing with people should teach you that you draw more bees with honey (respect wil...
Vygotsky (1978) termed this as the Zone of Proximal Development, defined as the gap between actual capabilities and potential achievements “under adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers” (p. 86). Groupwork is one effective means of achieving such collaboration. This approach ...
His goal: “Aging well like an adult. It’s something I’m always thinking about in my 30s. I want to become someone who is appealing at my age as I continue to get older, who leaves a lasting impression.”Via Asia Today, Chic News, OBS, OBS 2, DongA, Kookje,...
In the fall of 2000, I moved to New York and started working in magazines. As I settled into my new adult life, my brother and I grew out of touch. By then I had a graphic-designer boyfriend who, like my father, had my terrible temper. In the airport taxi line on New Year’s ...