So you're finally made it to college.You've been accepted,and you've been living on campus for some time.Now you begin to ask yourself "how does one become a successful student?" To answer these questions,you'd better first bear in mind the following tips: Be self-disciplined.You shou...
So you've finally made it to college. You've been accepted, and you've been living on campus for some time. Now you begin to ask yourself "How does one become a successful student?" "What are the characteristics of successful students?" To answer these questions, you'd better first be...
my college essay correctly”, you need to be able to remember a lot of things to make it faster and better. If you’re looking for a strong Christian education for your child, look no further than The Christ School. You can consider these practical tips and become successful in academics...
“My family made trips into the heart of the city only a handful of times a year, to visit the Art Institute or see a play, the four of us traveling like astronauts in the capsule of my dad’s Buick.”“My father loved any excuse to drive. He was devoted to his car, a bronze-...
You don't have to wait to launch your dream business. The idea of becoming a student entrepreneur used to be radical, but now it's a practical, appealing avenue for many. I started a business while a student at Rutgers University and so can you. 展开 关键词:...
Xiaodong Yu, male, born in 1983. Only child. Grade III intellectual disability. Graduated from a regular college (Shanghai TV University), received a Modern Clerical (International Trade) degree. Joined the Jiaxing Subdistrict Sunshine Home in Hongkou Di
While becoming an online learner might not be how you pictured university life to be, it’s important that you get yourself prepared for this transition. Here are some ways on how you can make your online learning experience a successful one. ...
1 I was eighteen years old and I was the golden girl. A junior in college, I was president of the college drama society, a member of the student senate, winner of two off-Broadway critics’ awards for acting and directing, director of the class play, and had just turned down an offer...
+ years. Getting an education is expensive but the money you’ll make once you secure full time employment will make the financial investment worthwhile. Plenty of grants and supports are available, and you also have the option ofstudent loansfrom a private lender in order to pay for college...
A better understanding of Latina undergraduates' beliefs about student success will assist higher education and student affairs professionals in supporting Latinas' success in all the ways they define it. This article provides recommendations for practice and research with the goal of...