Unlocked values: SugarCube.State.active.variables.abigail.gallery=[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] Note: Just replace all the zeros with “1”. And replace the character’s name (Abigail) with the character that you select. An alternative method to unlock the gallery in become someone game...
March 20, 2023 Status: c158 Thank you so much for translating this, I aapreciate it. It is fun reading this novel. While I was reading this novel on NobleMtl, I was praying so hard that someone would pick it up and translate it. The Mtl is horrible but I bear with it because I...
Although personal subjectivity will always play a role in how a reader reacts to a romance story (again, perhaps more than in any other genre), learning how to write romancewellis a matter of demonstrating both strong technique and the courage to show up and write about one of the vulnerab...