Remember This One Word To Become A Wild SuccessDan Waldschmidt
The Japanese people I know and am friends with I have known for years. I don't care about the praise over using chopsticks, or how I pronounce things... I often turn it back on them and we laugh. I don't have a chip on my shoulder as a foreigner in Japan... I...
The word “bareback” became a word of resistance. It described HIV-positive sexual outlaws who had the audacity to pursue sex even while living with HIV. This was before the science of undetectable was known and so these men were seen as “infectious.” They were choosing to do things for...
Letting our breath carry us to heights we have always known and to be free to go there again. To look within humbly, with humility and reverence naturally without trying. With this we create a sacred space welcoming spirits past and to friends we have always known, and to those in the p...
If a copywriter really wants to earn six figures, I often advise them to work with a well-known and influential client as quickly as possible, even if they have to work for peanuts, because the proof they will get from that prospective client is literally worth millions over the course of...
All known thorium isotopes are unstable. The most stable isotope, 232Th, has a half-life of 14.05 billion years, or about the age of the universe; it decays very slowly via alpha decay, starting a decay chain named the thorium series that ends at stable 208Pb. On Earth, thorium and ...
This Bristol-based brand is known for its elegant pushbikes, which are hand-built in the city. This is its electric version. It’s a very sleek and functional commuter option and not too heavy. Temples have fewer p...
I felt like the classes were tailored to software and industry standards we would need to know, and not just there to collect my money and send me out into the design world unprepared (like with some of those other well-known schools). If I could go back to when I was deciding which...
Barons who received their title from the Holy Roman Emperor are sometimes known as "Barons of the Holy Roman Empire" (Reichsfreiherren), in order to distinguish them from other barons, although the title as such was simply Freiherr. Since dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire in 1806, Reichs...
The golden rule is:if you want to write about it you should know about it. In their very well known book “Handbuch des Journalismus” (manual of journalism) theGermanjournalists Paul-Josef Raue and Wolf Schneider say that they would rather hire a person who has seen something from the wo...