Make sure you qualify. Michigan will not allow certain individuals to instruct gun safety. You will not be allowed to be a CPL instructor if you were dishonorably discharged from the military; were terminated or asked to leave, or resigned in lieu of termination, from a federal or state la...
At HDS we provide expert firearms training, concealed carry classes, and NRA instructor certification courses. Learn how to handle firearms safely and confidently with our professional guidance. Join our community of responsible gun owners today!"
such as the completion of a hunter safety course. For more information, see the resources provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The state of Arizona, for instance, requires residents and non-residents age 10 or older to become licensed before engaging in hunting...
A professional day trader is someone who day trades for a living and is licensed to trade. If you’re looking to become a professional day trader and work for a brokerage firm or something similar, make sure it’s registered with the SEC. Pattern day trader. According to the Financial Ind...
Some guard duties require you to carry a firearm, baton, or even tear gas. With power comes responsibility, so if this sounds like the right path for you, you'll need to complete additional training — typically at an additional cost — to get licensed to carry these additional weapons. ...