变革平衡公式(Change Equation), 亦称作为变革公式(Change Formula)、变革模型(Change Model),是由RichardBeckhard和Reuben THarris二人在David Gleicher的研究基础上共同提出的(1987),一个简单有效的管理工具,用以迅速获取对组织变革可能性及变革条件的直观印象。 组织发展的里程碑 从历史角度来看,变革平衡公式完全可以被...
The goal of the Beckhard and Harris Change Model is to achieve an analysis of the success or failure of a company’s transition in the changes it makes in the workplace. The analysis is always in favour of the success of the organization. The model helps to overcome resistance that exist...
Richard Beckhard is recognized as one of the founders of the field of organization development and as a pioneer in the study and teaching of a systemic approach to planned change in complex organizations. As an educator, Beckhard was an adjunct professor at MIT’s Sloan School of Management w...
Beckhard, R., & Harris, R. T. (1987). Organizational transition: Managing complex change. Reading: Addison-Wesley. Google Scholar Bushe, G., & Marshak, B. (2015). Dialogic organization development: The theory and practice of transformational change. Oakland: Berrett-Koehler. Google Scholar...