Becker CPA Review’s newest feature allows you to plan your study schedule and make the most of the time that is available to you. Additionally, Becker’s Adapt2U CPA Exam Review Technology is powered by Sana Labs. This means they now offer a robust adaptive learning platform with all of ...
目前美国拥有超过70所大学选择Becker's CPA Review作为他们的课程。 全球影响力 全球拥有超过30万人使用Becker's CPA Review通过美国CPA考试。 考试通过率 75%的美国CPA考试通过者使用Becker's CPA Review进行学习。 报名网校美国CPA辅导,免费配送Becker's CPA Exam Review学习系统! 无忧通关班: 45800元/四科 ...
As you do, you’ll be making progress in your individualized study plan. Correct answers earn you resources to build your empire.Why is a game such an important part of the package? CPA studying can be boring! Gamification is relatively new in CPA review courses, and many students like ...
如遇每年有较大的考试内容变化,教材会分上下册印刷,除了纸质版教材外,Becker's CPA Exam Review系统中还包含了电子版的ebook。 3、定制化学习软件 Becker's CPA Exam Review并设定有Study Plan(学习计划制定),当设置好学习计划后,软件中所有的学习内容将会被重新整合,然后点击学习日程上的安排,进行学习。同时每章...
Becker's CPA Exam Review并设定有Study Plan(学习计划制定),当设置好学习计划后,软件中所有的学习内容将会被重新整合,然后点击学习日程上的安排,进行学习。同时每章节会配备相应的outline和Ebook,学生可使用软件中的笔记或高亮功能备注或标记重点。其中值得推荐的是它的Performance Summary(学习表现报告功能),学生可通过...
Becker has study plans, or you can use alternative plans like the NINJA + Becker CPA Study Plan, which uses the NINJA Study Framework. Nail the Concepts (2.5 weeks) Use Becker CPA lectures and NINJA Audio to master the concepts of the exam. (Step 1: Nail the Concepts) Fire up your ...
Becker's CPA Exam Review 详解 Becker's CPA Exam Review不单单是一本书,而是一套完整的学习系统,Becker学习系统区别于其它美国CPA学习软件的一大特点是它将学习内容按照知识点进行系统化学习指导。Becker's CPA Exam Review包含了纸质教材、Becker明星老师按照知识点讲解的视频课程,Homework,Simulation,Test以及Exam等...
Develop your study plan based on your exam schedule, as well as which of these resources you plan to use most. Success on the CPA Exam requires hundreds of study hours. As you invest this time, you may find that you need to upgrade or replace some of your Becker resources. If you’...
Then based on your study plan, redeem the textbook for the next section you plan to study one to two weeks before beginning that section. Becker textbooks may be updated once or twice per year reflecting changes to the CPA Exam blueprint from the AICPA. Follow these steps to redeem your ...
Becker CPA Review is EXPENSIVE. In this review I break down all the features and help you determine if it's worth the investment. I also have exclusive discounts for Becker CPA Review to help you save on your CPA review course.