外文名:Beck rating scale for depression 功能: 评测抑郁程度 抑郁症 步骤 1、在开始评定前,保持自己的状态,不受任何人影响的自我评定 2、评定的时间,是“现在”或者是“最近一个星期”的实际感觉 3、一般而言, 本量表不适合于文盲和低教育人群 4、原先的21 项版本, 还包括受惩罚感、窆责、哭泣、易激惹、...
Carroll抑郁量表 Carroll Rating Scale for Depression (Carroll,Feinberg,Smouse,Rawson,&Greden,1981) 简介 Carroll抑郁量表(CRS)是为与由医生评定的Hamilton抑郁量表(HRSD)做对比而设计的,其目的是为了说明抑郁的自评与他评之间的不一致性。CRS的条目涉及抑郁的行为与躯体两方面的表现。与HRSD一样,CRS用于评定抑郁症...
Beck Depression Inventory (BDIHamilton Psychiatric Rating Scale for Depression (HRSDThe Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the Hamilton Psychiatric Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD) were used with 300 outpatients diagnosed with DSM-III major depression disorders. A principal-components analysis was ...
一般而言,本量表不适合于文盲和低教育人群。一般而言,本量表不适合于文盲和低教育人群。原先的21项版本,还包括受惩罚感自责,哭泣易激惹睡眠障碍体重减 轻疑病和性欲减退等8项。测量学指标Beck本人报道,本量表在美国人群中具有较好的信度和效度。
The room for improvement of the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression was advised, which led to the revision of the assessment in 1994. This assessment is aimed to benefit adults eighteen and older who have been diagnosed with depression. The Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression is a 21-item ...
61。 1999年杜召云对1 734名大学生进行的研究表明,该问卷在国内大学生人群四、贝克抑郁自评量表(BDI) 【概述】抑郁自评问卷(BDI),又名Beck抑郁自评量衷(Beck depression rating scale), 由美国著名心理学家Beck AT编制于20世纪60年代,后被广泛应用于临床流行 病学调查。BDI早年的版本为21项,其项目内容源自临床...
Hamilton, M. (1960). A rating scale for depression.Journal of Neurology and Neurosurgical Psychiatry, 23, 56–62. ArticleGoogle Scholar Harris, C. A., & D’Eon, J. L. (2008). Psychometric properties of the Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition (BDI-II) in individuals with chronic pain...
摘要: Similar Scales include: Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD) [1]; Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale (CES-D) [2]; Children's Depression Inventory (CDI) [3] The Beck Depression...DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-79061-9_299 ...
Beck AT, Steer RA and Brown GK (1996) “Manual for the Beck Depression Inventory-II”. San Antonio, TX: Psychological Corporation Beck AT, Steer RA, Ball R, Ranieri W (December 1996). “Comparison of Beck Depression Inventories -IA and -II in psychiatric outpatients”. Journal of personali...
Beck Depression Inventory Commonscreening testsof depression include theBeck Depression Inventory(BDI), Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS), andHamilton Depression Rating Scale(HAMD). TheBeck Depression Inventoryhas been used since 1961 and is the most common depression screening instrument. The seco...