1. 《Because I could not stop for Death —》原文 Because I could not stop for Death – He kindly stopped for me – The Carriage held but just Ourselves – And Immortality. We slowly drove – He knew no haste And I had put away My labor and my leisure too, For His Civility – We...
Because I could not stop for Death—— by Emily_Dickinson ( USA / 1830-1886 ) 不愿死?呵呵——原著 / 艾米莉 · 狄金森( 美国 / 1830 -1886 ) ——翻译 / '解 '读 - 李世纯 - 中国 长春 - 2022. 7. 27 Because 'I could not stop for Death – 【e】 唉——难哪,难能止步人生,转向赴...
今天跟大家分享的诗是Because I Could Not Stop For Death, 作者是美国19世纪著名女诗人Emily Dickinson。 Emily写过多首跟死亡有关的诗,在这首诗中,死亡变成了车夫,像一位绅士一样飘然出现,载着诗的叙述者开启一段超自然的旅行。所以说叙述者并不害怕死亡,死亡对他来说是温柔的而且非常有礼貌。他们走了很多...
s poems just dwelled upon such metaphysical subjects as God,Death,and Immortality,following the claim of Puritanism.This one---" Because I Could Not Stop for Death",which brims over with religious theme is just a perfect evidence.As Dickinson’s poems usually had no titles,and the first ...
Because I could not stop for Death —He kindly stopped for me —The Carriage held but just Ourselves —And Immortality.We slowly drove — He knew no haste And I had put away My labor and my leisure too,For His Civility —We passed the School, where Children strove At Recess — in the...
Because I could not stop for Death by Emily Dickinson 翻译来自网络 Because I could not stop for Death —He kindly stopped for me —The Carriage held but just Ourselves —And Immortality.We slowly drove — He knew no hasteAnd I had put awayMy labor and my leisure too,For His Civility —...
《Because I Could Not Stop For Death By Emily Dickinson》是由梅丽尔·斯特里普演唱的歌曲,后收录于2011年11月12日发行的专辑《WORDS FOR YOU - THE NEXT CHAPTER》中。歌曲歌词 Because I could not stop for Death-- 因为我不能坐以待毙—He kindly stopped for me-- 他和善地为我停下—The ...