“Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, because He has visited and redeemed His people.Berean Literal Bible"Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, because He has visited and has performed redemption on His people,King James BibleBlessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited...
Based on Scripture, parents can take heart knowing that God will use our hard work (Hebrews 6:10). When we share the truth of the gospel with our words and lives, God accomplishes what only He can do, which is to bear fruit in the lives of our children (Isaiah 55:10-11). Our c...
By faith Moses left Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger; he persevered because he saw Him who is invisible.Berean Literal BibleBy faith he left Egypt, not having feared the anger of the king; for he persevered, as seeing the Invisible One.King James BibleBy faith he forsook Egypt,...
while another friend with the same income level stays married to a woman whom he can trust with the couple’s money. This will add to the statistic of married people being richer than single ones. However, it does not mean your friend would have been better off if he ...
The photo reminds me of a Bible verse, as explained by my nun teachers, how a rich man has too many treasures and can not pass the narrow passage, but a poor man has little and can squeeze through. Also information is now on the Internet, see source link at bottom of post. It seem...
6 It opened its mouth to speak against God, to speak against his name and the place where he lives, and to speak against those who live in heaven. Read full chapter Revelation 13:4-6 New International Version 4 People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, ...
Amos 2:8tnThe words “They do so right” are supplied twice in the translation of this verse for clarification. Amos 2:8tnHeb“house.” Amos 2:8tnOr “gods.” The Hebrew termאֱלֹהֵיהֶם(ʾelohehem) may be translated “their gods” (referring to pagan god...
teary eyed and full, I looked up into the stands and I saw the faces of our lives, the answers to our prayers, our hope manifest. God may not always give a paved road, full of gobs of money, comfort and ease, but He gives us each other, and that is so much more than enough,...
I think God’s plan for our individual lives might be like that. He starts talking and we’re all, “Okay God. I see where you’re going. I’ll take it from here.” Maybe He’s trying to tell us to stop and listen, because that’s not what He was going to say, and He has...
The theme of Leviticus is holiness. The word “holy” is in Leviticus more than any other Bible book. God wanted the children of Israel to be clean and holy in every area of their lives. He wants the same from His children today. In the New Testament, God removed many of the dietary...