2023年高级商务英语考试(BEC)写作范文(一) Report writing Ex 4: Sample answer: (235words) Reassessment of job satisfaction: Sue Pearson(PR Dept.) Introduction This report sets out to use Workset colours to assess the accuracy of my job description as PR officer and to suggest a number of cha...
The three graphs provide an overview of … This is a report concerning … This report aims at … 对比式开头: The overall result of … shows significant differences between … and …. describe/summarize/compare/outline/analyze 在…时间段: Over a ten...
BEC高级写作范文(1) Dear We have received your letter acknowledging receipt of the items wemailed to you and noticing us to cancel shipment of your order for thoseitems which are back ordered. We will be issuing you a refund as soon as we have completed thenecessary paperwork for your accoun...
📚 这篇文章详细分析了BEC高级写作的真题范文,内容一目了然!📊 在网站分析方面,范文中采用了SWOT分析法,即S(优势)、W(劣势)、O(机会)和T(威胁)。范文只使用了SW部分。📉 士气低落问题: 原因分析 影响 建议 可能的缺点📉 出口销售下降: 销售数据的详细分析 改进方式 所需资源 目标:出口销售分析 发现 ...
BEC高级写作实用技巧以及真题范文 下载积分: 800 内容提示: 图表作文写作要领 (1)注意 总- 分结构的使用。中心句概括总趋势。 总增长: 典型数据/区间: there are some fluctuations to this general trend; Within this general trend, there are some fluctuations, for example… (2)注意 分水岭的描写,即把...
写作70分钟 听力约40分钟 口试约16分钟 分值上,四部分各占25%的比重 一般来说,前三部分为笔试部分,上午考完;而口语部分一般在下午考。 1. 阅读(Reading) BEC高级阅读考试题型主要是:matching题、完形填句题、文章阅读题、完形填空题、填词题、...
在平平淡淡的日常中,我们或多或少都会接触到试题,借助试题可以检验考试者是否已经具备获得某种资格的基本能力。你所了解的试题是什么样的呢?以下是小编为大家整理的BEC高级写作全真试题,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 1、Report(报告)写作 You are the manager of a department in a large company. Your department has...
商务英语 BEC 高级写作范文汇总 Dear Your counter proposal on the above referenced project has been reviewed and is acceptable in its entirety. We are enclosing an executed copy of the agreement along with two copies for your files. We are enthusiastically looking forward to this project and are ...
BEC高级写作常用模板、句型总结 1.Iamdelighted/glad/happytoannouncethat/notifyyouthat/informyouthat/tellyouthat/letyouknowthatformaltoinformal宣布好消息 2.?Pleasebeinformed/beadvisedthat/notethat/formaltoinformal但消息的类型比较中性 3.Weareafraidthat…/Wearesorrytoinformyou/Weregrettoinformyou宣布坏消息 ...