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Greenbay ResortPhu Quoc Islandis located in the Gulf Of Thailand, a tropical paradise where eco-tourism and sustainability are at the forefront. Surrounded by untouched jungle, in the northern part of Phu Quoc Island, the white sand beaches and the crystal waters offer guests a connection to n...
Greenbay ResortPhu Quoc Islandis located in the Gulf Of Thailand, a tropical paradise where eco-tourism and sustainability are at the forefront. Surrounded by untouched jungle, in the northern part of Phu Quoc Island, the white sand beaches and the crystal waters offer guests a connection to n...
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5 Best New Years Eve Celebrations in Thailand | 5大泰國知名跨年活動 30 Dec · Source: 蕃新聞 每一年跨年因為於凌晨,身上必須身穿長袖大衣、圍巾、帽子等厚重的裝備跨年,現在到泰國跨年可以更「輕鬆」的方式跨年趣,而泰國也將於12月25日開始至2016年1月1日,在泰國主要旅遊景點包括曼谷、清邁與普吉島等,...
24. Chiang Mai, Thailand 清邁,泰國 You could spend your whole Chiang Mai vacation exploring the famous Night Bazaar. Once you’ve exhausted the art of the cheerful haggle, however, there’s plenty more to explore. The National Museum and Botanic Garden are great places to soak up some local...
A Malaysian Beauty, Travel and Lifestyle site | Sharing the latest trends and news in byte size.
A Malaysian Beauty, Travel and Lifestyle site | Sharing the latest trends and news in byte size.
Thailand isOK.I booked this trip one and a half months before departure, so in order to be able to go out and play with confidence, I worked hard to meet the baby's daily milk intake and insisted on sucking out a bag of milk and keeping it in the refrigerator.Nursing mothers still...