Beauty and the Beast is the mobile storytelling app for kids, which will come in handy next time you hear the words “Read for me, mommy (or daddy)!” Amusing i…
In honor of "Beauty and the Beast" turning 25 in November, here are some behind-the-scenes facts about the Disney film.
Emma Watson and Dan Stevens star in a tale as old as 26 years, maybe more, in Disney's live-action remake of 1991 animated hit 'Beauty and the Beast.
It marks the first time a size 16 model has graced its cover and needless to say, the Internet went crazy. “Wow. Just, wow,”gushed The Huffington Post. “The body positivity movement is booming,”proclaimed Shape magazine. “And we couldn’t be more excited that SI picked women who a...
Adam, thanks again for coming on the show. It's been like a year since you've been on here and there's been a lot of news. You know, there have been failures, bank failures, you know, major strategic pivots, changes to risk tolerance, exciting advancements in technology. I'm just ...
"By the way, Disney's live-action Beauty and the Beast opens today," Google Home helpfully told a number of customers today. "In this version of the story, Belle is the inventor, instead of Maurice. That rings truer if you ask me. For some more movie fun, ask me to tell you somet...
以出品1/1 Iron Man 及《星球大戰》系列藍芽頭盔揚聲器以為人熟悉的 CAMINO 又再有新作品發佈!這次Camino將以Emma Watson主演的電影《美女與野獸》Beauty and the Beast 中那朵神奇玫瑰花作設計藍本,推出最新系列的「玫瑰花」藍牙揚聲器。揚聲器用上花紋透明外殼,一月配上LED燈發光底座,播歌時會發出幻像光影,忠於...
The book reminded me of humanity’s balance of beauty and beast; caring for life via womanly…and yes wolf-like…ancient, healing medicine, a perfect balm for these times. Am I surprised that Kanye’sWolvesvideo just launched at the same time plusBill Maher’scheer forHillary Clintonas“a ...
This week’s column is brought to you by the letter “B†and one of this week’s “B-movies†is going to do a lot better than the other. In fact, I’d imagine Disney’sBeauty and the Beastwill do more on Thursday than...
So that led me to start the youtube video series. I try and keep each video at around 6-7 minutes. Here’s one of the first. I’ve improved the sound as the weeks have gone by. Let me know what you think. Best wishes Ian ...