Keyboard Shortcut Use the following to embed a beautify shortcut in keybindings.json. Replace with your preferred key bindings. { "key": "ctrl+shift+6", "command": "wpyBeautify.format", "when": "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly" } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ps 最近做微信小程序开发,使用到...
You must match the filename as well. Embedded version of js-beautify is v1.8.4 Keyboard Shortcut Use the following to embed a beautify shortcut in keybindings.json. Replace with your preferred key bindings. { "key": "cmd+b", "command": "HookyQR.beautify", "when": "editorFocus" }...
Beautify是格式化代码的插件 可美化JS、JSON、CSS、Sass、HTML(其他类型的文件不行) 在文件夹根目录下创建.jsbeautifyrc文件 配置规则 1.适合所有文件类型的规则 { "indent_char": " ", "indent_size": 0, "eol": "\n", "end_with_newline": false, "indent_with_tabs": false, "preserve_newlines":...
.vscode Make the tests work again Sep 21, 2018 schema addpreserveoption in awrap_attributes Nov 14, 2018 test Fix imports Mar 26, 2020 .eslintrc.json Make the tests work again Sep 21, 2018 .gitignore remove dev files from package ...
Shortcut key for editor. Beautify your content byprettier(only for markdown content, not the code and other text). Multi-language, build-in Chinese and English(default: Chinese). Upload picture, paste or clip the picture and upload it. ...
vscode中使用beautify插件格式化vue文件 **点击设置,找到beautify.language并在html一栏里加上vue,so easy!**"beautify.language": { "js": { "type": [ "javascript", "json" ], "file. 工具 vue 格式化vue代码 vscode beautify 原创 ITCJF 2021-07-13 14:36:14 ...
vscode 格式化vue插件wpy-beautify Features Beautify Vue or wpy code in Visual Studio Code. preview Usage Keyboard Shortcut: ctrl+shift+6 ; Open context menu in wpy, choose Beautify wpy ; Press F1, search Beautify wpy, and click the item. ...
Keyboard Shortcut Use the following to embed a beautify shortcut in keybindings.json. Replace with your preferred key bindings. { "key": "cmd+b", "command": "HookyQR.beautify", "when": "editorFocus" } Contributing For information on contributing see Contributing.mdAbout...
vscode 格式化vue插件wpy-beautify Features Beautify Vue or wpy code in Visual Studio Code. preview Usage Keyboard Shortcut: ctrl+shift+6 ; Open context menu in wpy, choose Beautify wpy ; Press F1, search Beautify wpy, and click the item. ...
Keyboard Shortcut Use the following to embed a beautify shortcut in keybindings.json. Replace with your preferred key bindings. { "key": "cmd+b", "command": "HookyQR.beautify", "when": "editorFocus" } Contributing For information on contributing see Contributing.mdAbout...