Mellifluous Sweet sounding. Moiety One of two equal parts. Mondegreen A slip of the ear. Murmurous Murmuring. Nemesis An unconquerable archenemy. Offing The sea between the horizon and the offshore. Onomatopoeia A word that sounds like its meaning. Opulent Lush, luxuriant. Palimpsest A manuscript...
In my experience that is the least-Slavic sounding Slavic language, and because of language purism over the history of its standardization there are few words which a non-Slavic-speaking foreigner can spontaneouskly recognize. Indeed Romanian sounds more “Slavic” to my ear than Czech does, and...
Sweet-sounding or melodious, like the trill of a songbird or the laughter of a child. It's a word that describes sounds that are pleasing to the ear, filling the air with joy and harmony. 45. Susurrus The soft, murmuring sound of whispering or rustling, like the gentle breeze through l...
According to him, he wrote the lyrics and chose the name Renée as simply a random French-sounding name because the Beatles had had a hit with the French-named song “Michelle.” “The Weight” by The Band The Band made history with their debut single, “The Weight.” Though it wasn’...
not just brass players. To play with a beautiful sound, imagine a lovely sound in your mind and imitate.While you play, mentally hear a great artist playing the music on your stand.Horn players should also read the chapter on Tone Quality inThe Art of French Horn Playingby Philip Farkas....
but if you want your little guy to have a voluminous head of hair, you might want to steer clear of this charming vintage moniker. it comes from a surname that originated from the french word chauve … meaning “bald”. soren image credit: sheknows this intellectual-sounding name calls to...
But the French apparently love this “chaos”! This region of France is a fantastic place to visit for anyone who enjoys spending time in the great outdoors. There is so much to do: biking, hiking, rafting, kayaking… Our first full day in this town was spent almost entirely outside....
But the French apparently love this “chaos”! This region of France is a fantastic place to visit for anyone who enjoys spending time in the great outdoors. There is so much to do: biking, hiking, rafting, kayaking… Our first full day in this town was spent almost entirely outside....
Then, at a thought, I placed it not in the glove, but in the thin hand of the gentleman. At the same time the voice of the lady spoke to me–I was to have the joy of remembering that this voice had spoken four words to me. “Je vous remercie, monsieur,” it said. “Pas de...
Until matters were settled, everyone referred to the organization as the Troop and, despite the high-sounding name finally adopted, they were known to the end of their usefulness simply as ‘The Troop’ . The officers were elected by the members, for no one in the County had had any ...