It's better than the manga and gladly no one thinks to remake it, especially season 1. Looking at Korean remake history of Jdorama - which mostly suck (yes, I'm looking at you BBF! You ruin my HYD and not deserve for those popularity) or just so-so, I'll just pass this one....
by the characters who are suppose to catch her, like 50 percent of the people who are friends with her found out- everyone else, well they're not supposed to find out yet and it's written within the manga that shes obvs not supposed to be found out for a while...
I’m still unfamiliar with much of themangathis drama is based off of but I found that I would experience this outcry whenever the drama veered off-course from the Cute and dipped into common kdrama territory which does not suit this fluffy, adorable high school drama genre well – let al...