When is Mother’s Day? Mother’s Day is May 10 th this year – so mark your calendars, Dads! :) Pictures done on May 2nd and May 3rd will be ready before Mother’s Day. Pictures done on May 8th/9th will be finished the following week. Have other questions? Contact Maureen atMauree...
That’s when Anna announced that she could not wear the shoes her mother chose for her dress. Just absolutely could not be caught dead in them. So, on the way, we had to find a store with children’s party shoes that would go with her outfit, fit, and satisfy her princessian tastes...
Taylor as the groom. Helen designed 47 costumes for Elizabeth. including a stunning wedding gown. Elizabeth was so impressed she had Helen design her own wedding gown. The gown took 15 seamstresses and beaders three weeks to make. MGM then gave her the dress as a present. The movie was a...