内容提示: 蒲福氏風級表 Beaufort Wind Scale描述風力術語 蒲福氏 風級 平均風速 (km/h) 地面狀態 海面狀態 無風 0 < 2 煙直向上升 海面平靜如鏡 輕微 1 2 - 6 煙能表示風向, 但風向標則不動 波紋柔和, 狀似魚鱗, 浪頭不起白沫 輕微 2 7 - 12 人面感覺有風, 樹葉微響, 風向標會轉動 小形微波,...
Beaufort Wind Force Scale and Sea State Page 1 (蒲福风力等级和海洋状态页1).pdf,Beaufort Wind Force Scale and Sea State Page 1 of 5 BEAUFORT WIND FORCE SCALE: Specifications and equivalent speeds for use at sea FORCE Equivalent Speed Wave Height Descrip
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蒲福风级beaufortscale是国际通用的风力等级由英国人弗朗西斯蒲福francisbeaufort于1805年拟定用以表示风强度等级 BeaufortScaleofWind蒲福风力等级表(航海英语) Beaufort Scale of Wind 蒲福风级表 Beaufort ScaleDescriptionWind speed(knot) 0Calm 无风<0 Sea like a mirror 1light air 软风1-2 Ripples but without...
蒲福风级(Beaufort scale)是国际通用的风力等级,由英国人弗朗西斯·蒲福(Francis Beaufort)于1805年拟定,用以表示风强度等级。风力等级简称风级,是风强度(风力)的一种表示方法,故又称“蒲福风力等级表”。它最初是根据风对地面物体或海面的影响大小分为0—12级, 共13个等级。 自1946年以来,风力等级又作了扩充,增...
Beaufort (wind) scale [A wind scale in which the force of the wind is indicated by a series of numbers from 0 to 17, originally from 0 to 12, with corresponding descriptive terms] ● Beaufort(wind)skalSpringer Berlin HeidelbergDictionary Geotechnical Engineering/wrterbuch Geotechnik...
Wind Scales Beaufort Wind Scale Beaufort Number or Force Wind Speed DescriptionEffects Land / Sea mphkm/hrknots 0<1<1<1CalmStill, calm air, smoke will rise vertically. Water is mirror-like. 11-3 mph1-5 kph1-3 knotsLight AirRising smoke drifts, wind vane is inactive....
Beau·fort scale (bō′fərt) A scale for classifying the force of the wind, ranging from 0 (calm) to 12 (hurricane). The scale was devised in 1805 as a means of describing the effect of different wind velocities on ships at sea. ...
摘要: Beaufort (wind) scale [A wind scale in which the force of the wind is indicated by a series of numbers from 0 to 17, originally from 0 to 12, with corresponding descriptive terms] ● Beaufort(wind)skal DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-41714-6_21130 被引量: 3 年份: 2014 收藏...
Wind Force Scales:Beaufort Wind Scale, Saffir-Simpson Wind Scale, Fujita Wind Scale Beaufort Scale: A common way to describe wind and sea state is with the Beaufort Scale. In the early nineteenth century, Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort developed a scale for wind force based on the behavior of ...