Beaufort scale for wind speed随打随译 世界领先的质量 拖放文件 立刻翻译 ▾外部资源(未审查的) New to the hotel will be The Beaufort Bar,a glamorous art deco bar that will offer champagne, cocktails and cabaret and [...] 酒店将新增The Beaufort Bar,一个充满 艺术...
蒲福风级beaufortscale是国际通用的风力等级由英国人弗朗西斯蒲福francisbeaufort于1805年拟定用以表示风强度等级 BeaufortScaleofWind蒲福风力等级表(航海英语) Beaufort Scale of Wind 蒲福风级表 Beaufort ScaleDescriptionWind speed(knot) 0Calm 无风<0 Sea like a mirror 1light air 软风1-2 Ripples but without...
蒲福风级(Beaufort scale)是国际通用的风力等级,由英国人弗朗西斯·蒲福(Francis Beaufort)于1805年拟定,用以表示风强度等级。风力等级简称风级,是风强度(风力)的一种表示方法,故又称“蒲福风力等级表”。它最初是根据风对地面物体或海面的影响大小分为0—12级, 共13个等级。 自1946年以来,风力等级又作了扩充,增...
The Beaufort description and observation scale for wind and wind speed. The Beaufort wind scale, which is used to describe the force of the wind, was invented by Admiral Beaufort in 1805. With some experience with the use of the scale the wind force can be estimated with reasonable accuracy...
Linguee + AI = DeepL Translator For longer texts, use the world's best online translator!Linguee English Chinese Translate textTranslate filesImprove your writing▾Dictionary English-Chinese Under construction Examples: Beaufort scale for wind speed— 蒲福风级 See also: wind v — 绞 v · ...
蒲福氏風級表 Beaufort Wind Scale描述風力術語 蒲福氏 風級 平均風速 (km/h) 地面狀態 海面狀態 無風 0 < 2 煙直向上升 海面平靜如鏡 輕微 1 2 - 6 煙能表示風向, 但風向標則不動 波紋柔和, 狀似魚鱗, 浪頭不起白沫 輕微 2 7 - 12 人面感覺有風, 樹葉微響, 風向標會轉動 小形微波, 相隔仍短...
Beau·fort scale (bō′fərt) A scale for classifying the force of the wind, ranging from 0 (calm) to 12 (hurricane). The scale was devised in 1805 as a means of describing the effect of different wind velocities on ships at sea. ...
The Beaufort scale of wind velocity relates wind speed to the physical appearance of the sea surface by considering such factors as apparent wave height and the prominence of breakers, whitecaps, foam and spray. It is the oldest method of judging wind force. Originally devised by Admiral Sir ...
Wind Force Scales:Beaufort Wind Scale, Saffir-Simpson Wind Scale, Fujita Wind Scale Beaufort Scale: A common way to describe wind and sea state is with the Beaufort Scale. In the early nineteenth century, Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort developed a scale for wind force based on the behavior of ...
网络释义 1. 蒲幅风速分级法 航空技术术语中英文对照... ... 326 Bearing 方位 327Beaufort Scale of Wind Velocity蒲幅风速分级法328 Bell Crank 双臂曲柄 ...|基于7个网页