Beau英文名什么意思:Beau [beau]作为男孩的名字(也被较少使用为女孩的名字Beau)发音为boh。它是法语的,博的意思是“英俊的;崇拜者;甜心”。短的形式的Beauregard,和现代造币。使用作为一个给定的名字可能是由于PC Wren的小说“Beau Geste”(1924年)的英雄或博尔威尔克斯的性格在玛格丽特Mitchell的“走在风中”(1936...
I knew no other Beau's when I named my son, but now know of 3 other little boys. It is French for handsome, and my nan said it was used as a term for their male admirers/boyfriends. I don't understand how people think it's unisex when spelt "Beau".. Belle is the female ...
the title is inherited through the male/female line→ el título se hereda por línea paterna/maternahe comes from a long line of artists→ proviene de un extenso linaje de artistasthe royal line→ el linaje real8. (= hierarchy)line of command...
or jambier n,pl-beaux(-bəʊz) ,-barts,-bersor-biers (Arms & Armour (excluding Firearms)) (often plural) other words forgreave [C14: from Anglo-French, fromjambeleg; see jamb] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991,...
Anyone--male or female--who wants to lose themselves in nearly two hours of body worshipping should definitely try to check this movie out--if you can find it. My VHS copy is nearly worn out from repeated viewings. Whatever happened to Karl Forest is a tantalizing mystery since he would...
unveiling an 18% hike in revenue from the previous year to 100.2 million ($119.2 million) along with a 21.7% drop in net profit to 7.2 million ($8.5 million). The group attributed the mixed results to the hit-or-miss nature of its film slate. The strong theatrical performances ...
However, it remains unclear whether male size, as it relates to success in territory defense, is assessed similarly to female size as it relates to fecundity. Using the beaugregory damselfish (Stegastes leucostictus), a Caribbean coral reef fish, we examined whether focal males measure the ...
I named the male "Trouble"; he grew to about twenty pounds as an adult. I named the female "Cinder" for her blackness. I had never heard of cat clubs or shows at that time, but I had a friend who belonged to the local cat club and they were having a HHP Cat Show and she talk...
Whether your character is male or female, black or white, rich or poor, is such a small part of the actual character. That’s just the physical stuff. How does the character act under pressure? What does your character fear? These are the types of questions you need to ask. ...
to the Adelboden and to the hotel which is 500 Yrds from Bus stop. This hotel has a nice Sauna and small but nice hot tub that hotel guests can use as well as massage for hire services. In Swiss fashion, both male & female drop hotel robes and hop in hot tub or sauna all natural...