Learn how to clean, store, and care for your Beats headphones. Learn how to clean your beats Find your serial number Learn where to look for the serial number on your Beats. Find serial number Service and warranty Learn more about what’s covered under your warranty, service options,...
Beats Pro 支持 被动隔绝噪音 具有隔噪功能的头戴式耳机采用物理方式阻隔环境声音。头戴式耳机上加装的耳罩垫可以最大程度地降低扰人的外部噪音。这些屏蔽物还有助于避免您周围的人听到您耳机中的音乐。 清洁和保养 了解如何清洁、存放和保养 Beats 头戴式耳机。
Beats by Dre 为你带来顶尖的蓝牙头戴式耳机、耳塞和扬声器。探索最新产品,款款兼具时尚舒适和标志性音质。
Beats by Dre brings you the best in bluetooth headphones, earbuds and speakers. Explore the latest products that bring style, comfort, and iconic sound.
Beats by Dre headphones are well known for a bass-heavy reproduction of modern music with unique styles and designs. While Apple purchased the company in 2014 to absorb its fledgling music streaming service, Beats Music, the hardware portion was allowed to continue operating independently as a sub...
Beats by Dre 給你最出色的藍牙頭戴式耳機、耳塞式耳機和揚聲器,探索兼顧時尚及舒適感的最新產品,讓你體驗標誌性音色。
Save up to 50% off Beats headphones and earbuds starting as low as $99 at Amazon and other retailers right now for the holidays.
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This will be the first review and measurement test of the Beats pro with a proper lookout for what makes it thick or thin. As the Pro was my headphone of choice to bring to the lab for a First test, expect other headphones to get the same treatment later. Package They came with a ...
Beats Studio Pro 支持开始使用 配对 设备上的控制 设置“查找” 聆听模式 有线音频和 音效 个性化 空间音频 为耳机充电 重置 Beats Studio Pro 查找丢失的 耳机 资源 安卓版 Beats App 了解如何下载 Beats App、配对你的设备、更新固件等。 进一步了解 查找序列号 了解在 Beats 产品的哪个位置...