129. “I’ve Got a Feeling,” Let It Be (1970) After the lingering bad feelings from “The White Album” sessions, the idea was that the band would “get back” to organic rock and roll played by real people. What came to be called the Get Back sessions featured songs like this ...
I’d been familiar with the grainy bootleg version for a few years now, and I had a feeling this was the song the Threetles had been working on and abandoned back in 1995. It was one thing to be blown away by two all-new songs back then, especially with the dreamlike “Free As a...
1967 Hey Jude/1968 Back in the U.S.S.R./1968 Blackbird/1968 Maxwell's Silver Hammer/1969 Get Back/ 1969 Carry that Weight/ 1969 Don't let me Down/ 1969 Dig a Pony/1969 Two of Us on our way home/1969 I got a feeling/1969 One after 909/1969 Copyright 1967 by Dwarf Music, Inc...
George: “I’ll wait until you get all your bits and then work my part out if you like. It’s a matter of working it out with you while you’re working your bit out. You know, have you got your bass bit?” Paul gets defensive or is frustrated. “I’m not trying to get to ...
John’s contribution to “I’ve Got A Feeling” which exists as a solo demo). You say there are no “rules” on that…well, there is a little thing called logic you’ve run up against here. You’d have to provide some evidence to support your claim. Incidentally, as far as I ...
It was equally moving when Sir Paul played I Got A Feeling as a duet with John Lennon, whose vocals had been isolated for Peter Jackson's Get Back documentary. For a moment, the two friends were reconnected and trading melodies again; Lennon frozen in time, as Sir Paul...
“gets it while she can” lyrics are retained here, these words now being solidified in Paul's mind. Surprisingly, although inspiration was high with this new composition and rehearsal, they instead worked extensively on songs like “I've Got A Feeling” and “Maxwell's Silver Hammer” once...
being turned away from school, I found it shocking and I can’t believe that still in these days there are places where this kind of thing is happening right now. Anything my song and Beyonce's fabulous version can do to ease racial tension would be a great thing and makes me very ...
“George Martin had the idea to put the string quartet on it and I said, ‘No, I don’t think so.’ He said, ‘I’ve really got a feeling for it. I can hear it working.’ So I said, ‘Oh, a string quartet, it’s very classical, I’m not interested really…’” ...
The outsized hedonism of this song began to bother Brian May as Freddie Mercury battled the AIDS virus that killed him in 1991. "I thought it was a lot of fun, but I did have an undercurrent feeling of, 'Aren't we talking about danger here?'" May said. "We were worried about Fred...