Upgraded source of Glyn Johns' early mix acetate (March 10, 1969) containing the 'rough mix' work-in-progress of the Get Back Album. The Pet Sounds Production - de-clicked, phase-corrected and speed-corrected. Plus Bonus tracks from Johns' 'Rock n Roll Oldies' mixes (March 13 Acetate) ...
(David Quantick,《The Making of the Beatles' the White Album》) 在录制《Get Back》时,保罗-麦卡特尼对乔治-哈里森说:“Beatles一直是具有创造性的团结的集体。”乔治对保罗说:“找其他人合作吧。”……乔治-哈里森对每个人说:“我们要完蛋了。”约翰-列侬被乔治的话激怒了,“解散的时候到了。谁来管孩子...
OrdoyouwanttomoveintoEMIandjustmaybedoanalbum? 那要看我们什么时候 Well,itallrestsonwhenwesee-- 我想我们现在该停止拍摄了将其作为制度执行 Ithinkwestopfilmingnow.Asamatterofpolicy. -Imean,Iknow---But-- -我知道-但是 -你们的拍摄到此结束伙计们-到此为止吧吉姆 -Thatsawrapforyou,lads.-Letstakeitho...
The Beatles: Get Back: In January 1969, The Beatles set out to write and record new songs for their first live show in more than two years, culminating in an impromptu concert atop their Savile Row studio.
The Beatles (White Album)(白色专辑)(白色相簿) 1968-11-21 被认为是第一张后现代专辑,包装全白,没有印刷任何图案或文字。乐队第九张录音室专辑,双碟多达30首音乐,由于此时乐队成员已经有不和与裂隙,因此专辑中乐队成员的个人风格明显,但这同时也成就了其丰富和多元性,乐队成员们继续探索着录音技术与音乐效果,...
“Get Back” provides both the standout moment and the title of a glorious new documentary by Peter Jackson, charting the days that the band spent together in January 1969, writing and recording songs for a new album. For anyone interested in music, pop culture or creativity, the film is ...
when musicians revisited their RnR roots in the late 60's and 70's. Songs like One After 909 would have been fine on an early album, but that same song played by the late 60's Beatles won't really fly for me. Same for Get Back. I don't really like it. (Well, I still do be...
The Beatles (The White Album) 发行日期:1968.11.22 说明:由于抛弃整体专辑概念,这张专辑显得凌乱——四位成员都有独立制作。但封套却反其道而行之——极简主义到一片空白只有突起的The BEATLES字样。所以这张专辑后来也被称为The White Album(白色专辑-昵称为“白砖”)。 Yellow Submarine 发行日期:1969.1...
12.Get Back The Beatles' last album to be released, Let It Be was mostly recorded in early 1969, prior to Abbey Road. The music was produced by George Martin, and was then prepared for release in 1970 by Phil Spector. 披头士乐队发行的最后一张专辑《Let It Be》主要录制于 1969 年初,在...