当当书之源外文图书在线销售正版《预订 The Beatles: The Capitol Albums,Volume 2 [ISBN:9781423429951]》。最新《预订 The Beatles: The Capitol Albums,Volume 2 [ISBN:9781423429951]》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang.com,网购《预订 The Beatl
SN 16020 The Beatles Rock'n'Roll Music vol. 1 Issued on the green budget label SN 16021 The Beatles Rock'n'Roll Music vol. 2 Issued on the green budget label. SW 11921 The Beatles A Hard Day's Night (soundtrack) Purple label; Issued on Capitol Records for the first time. Later rei...
DPRO 18966 The Beatles Capitol Albums vol. 2 Promo Sampler Promo CD sent to radio stations, imported from the USA CDP 0946 3 57497 2 4 The Beatles The Capitol Albums Vol. 2 a 2006 CD box set of the next 4 US format Beatles albums. It contains the original mixes of the US releases....
The Capitol Albums Vol. 1 9.3 Bad Boy 6.4 Unsurpassed Masters, Volume 3 8.6 Unsurpassed Masters, Volume 1[b... 8.9 Maximum Beatles 9.0 whitology 9.5 The Beatles - Records Oddities Vol... 8.7 Anthology 4 9.4 我来说两句 短评· ··· ( 全部5 条 ) 热门 / 最新 / 好友 ...
The song is also featured on the November 15th, 2004 released box set “The Capitol Albums, Vol. 1” as part of “The Beatles’ Second Album” in both the mono and the original “duophonic stereo” mixes. On September 9th, 2009, the box set “The Beatles In Mono” was released, whic...
The Capitol Albums Vol. 1 9.3 Anthology 3 9.5 我来说两句 短评· ··· ( 全部37 条 ) 热门 / 最新 / 好友 0 有用 Shirleyyy 2012-07-18 23:34:26 这一套真的很值得买vvv 0 有用 lylesmith 2011-03-21 01:01:45 只买的起盗版了。。。 0 有用 🫀Psyche 2011-11-13 10:32...
1970 [Blue Album] (1988) Past Masters (1994) Live at the BBC (1995) Free As A Bird (US Single) (1995) Anthology 1 (1996) Anthology 2 (1996) Anthology 3 (1999) Turn Me on Dead Man - The John Barrett Tapes (2000) 1 (2003) Let It Be...Naked (2004) The Capitol Albums, Vol...
Sensing the desire to hear all of The Beatles music the way it was heard in the '60s, Capitol was more than happy to oblige. The April 11th, 2006 released “The Capitol Albums, Vol. 2” was the second box set they produced which, this time around, featured all four Beatles albums re...
(1973)1967-1970[BlueAlbum](1988)PastMasters(1994)LiveattheBBC(1995)FreeAsABird(USSingle)(1995)Anthology1(1996)Anthology2(1996)Anthology3(1999)TurnMeonDeadMan-TheJohnBarrettTapes(2000)1(2003)LetItBe...Naked(2004)TheCapitolAlbums,Vol.1 Members:JohnLennon,PaulMcCartney,GeorgeHarrison,RingoStarr.yes...
(2004) The Capitol Albums, Vol. 1 (2006) Love 《橡胶灵魂》(Rubber Soul) 《橡胶灵魂》 首先从封面上看就与前不同。"披头士"四个人的面孔都有点变形,这种多多少少的超现实手法暗示了后来被称作"迷幻摇滚"的音乐。专辑中包括了《单字》(The word)、《米歇尔》(Michelle)、《在我的生活中》(In my life...