First up, a format first in the form of a tinyBeatles Limited Edition RSD3 Turntableset that plays tiny 3″Beatlesingles. The turntable sports a branded dustcover and facing and was housed in aBeatles’box that included four super small vinyl records: ‘I Want To Hold Your Hand’; ‘Til...
Of course for avid collectors there’s a sub-category of releases that come out on these two days per year that are essential as well. These are records in some wayassociatedwithThe Beatles. These can be from artists that have rubbed shoulders with the band, have been produced by them, o...
represent themost modern formatson which Let It Be exists prior to its streaming debut. I’ve written this before, but it’s worth repeating: In the time since street-legal Let It Be appeared on store shelves, you could have picked up A Hard Day’s Night...
Musically, for what it is worth, the Beatles were the product of an era that had been prepared...
Those lossy-compression rates, though, are scary. If we want to experience these new Beatles records in Dolby Atmos—that's all they played at the press conference—in real high fidelity, where should we turn? It has been clear for a while to anyone paying attention that elements in the ...
另一个是6-2-5-1,在专辑Abbey Road中,You Never Give Me Your Money是基础的Am7-Dm-G-C(Carry That Weight中也用到这个),Golden Slumbers则是稍微丰富些或者说正常些的Am7-Dm7-G7-C,可以说是Abbey Road中的小调贯穿线。但最别致的应该是白专中的Rocky Caccoon中的 Am7-D7sus4 D7-G7-C从头重复到尾...
When a Beatles song appears in movies and television shows, it usually means that the production paid a good deal of money for the right to use it. The Beatles have maintained such a powerful influence on popular culture that the weighty price tag is typically worth it. Here are seven perf...
Sunday Mirror (London, England)
he had reversed the role of his parents by singing "My mother was of the sky, my father was of the earth, but I am of the universe and you know what it's worth." There is also a change in the line about Mr. Jones, the central character of Bob Dylan's "Ballad of a Think Man...
It’s generally a box set for completists, but it’s well worth it for those interested. And lastly, Paul and Ringo themselves are continuing to play Beatles songs live on tour to this day. * * * And in the end… The band may have broken up over 40 years ago–a year before I ...