The principles of the beatitudes are such important words. When Jesus gave The Sermon on the Mount, found in the Gospel of Matthew (chapters 5-7), he delivered eight blessings. Each blessing provides a sort of “rule” to live by, but the overall meaning is that if we follow these word...
you can tell them slight variations or where they missed part of the meaning. By hearing all of the interpretations in children's words, every group will get a better understanding of what the beatitudes mean.
Beatitude, any of the blessings said byJesusin the Sermon on the Mount as told in the biblical New Testament in Matthew 5:3–12 and in the Sermon on the Plain in Luke 6:20–23. What is the meaning of the 8 Beatitudes? The beatitudes are considered by the Church, to contain the mos...
Scripture tells us that man was created in the image and likeness of God (Gn 1:26). This book explores the meaning of this statement, describing each of us as a living, flesh-and-blood icon, a visible representation... read more His Spoken Words His Spoken Words by Richard Ruesch ...
bee-at-uh-tyoohdz) eight sayings of jesus at the beginning of the sermon on the mount. the word is from the latin beatus, meaning “blessed,” and each of the beat-tudes begins with the word blessed. they include “blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth” and “bles...