在右侧的“解决方案”浏览框中右键“引用”,选择“添加引用” 在打开的引用管理窗口中你可以添加一下缺失的dll文件,这些dll一般都在“\<Beat Saber directory>\Beat Saber_Data\Managed”目录中 部分dll文件在游戏的Plugins目录中(也就是说,某些情况下你需要引用通过ModManager下载的dll文件,比如Async Twitch、Beat S...
我经常强调#beatsaber是一个需要保存版本的游戏#永远留一份重要版本的存档,不要轻易更新你的节奏光剑!历史版本MODS的用处老司机们懂的自然懂得 『其他』 如果你不是重度的MODS中毒者,Mod Assistant一个软件足以 Mod Assistant (节奏光剑模组安装助手) https://github.com/Assistant/ModAssistant modassistant 软件使用...
(或Q群810303476,群文件下载) 如果想知道其他的接口如何使用,可以到github上下载其他的开源插件代码参考。 usingSystem;usingSystem.Collections.Generic;usingSystem.Linq;usingSystem.Text;usingSystem.Threading.Tasks;usingUnityEngine;usingTMPro;usingSystem.Collections;usingSystem.Threading;namespaceMissedCounter {classMi...
BeatSaber节奏光剑插件开发官方教程2-简单的插件示例 原文:https://wiki.assistant.moe/modding/example-mod 一、在开始之前 1 确保你已经看过教你如何添加插件模板的教程,且你已经使用插件模板创建了一个新项目 2 如果此教程中有很多地方你看的一头雾水,那可能是因为你不太了解unity或c#,你需要先学习一些相关的...
Mod Assistant uses mods from BeatMods and shows whatever is available for download. If you need to install a mod manually, please refer to the Beat Saber Modding Group Wiki. I hit install but now my game won't launch, I can't click any buttons, I only see a black screen, etc Please...
Please visit theBeat Saber Modding Group#pc-helpchannels. Check the pinned messages or ask for help and see if you can work things out. Credits ModAssistant by Assistant:https://github.com/Assistant/ModAssistant BSIPA-Linux by geefr:https://github.com/geefr/BSIPA-Linux ...
Test if Beat Saber is working. You Need New Mods Some mods aren’t compatible with specific versions. In this case, you’ll have to update or delete them. This process shouldn’t be complicated if you’re running the latest Mod Assistant version. ...
To get custom songs, go to https://beatsaver.com and unzip the files to the Beat Saber_Data\CustomSongs\ folder, with level name being the name of the level. For one click installs, install mod assistant and move steam_api.ini anywhere but unity's plugin folder and go into massistant...
included in this version is a file called mod assistant you need to set mod assistant to version 1.13.4 in the version tab once you accept the license agreement and select mods and then update only saber factory thats it nothing else if you update anything else the game will atuo lock ...
Sign in with GitHub BeatMods A Beat Saber mod repository maintained by the Beat Saber Modding Group Discover Find mods that suit you best. Create Upload and create your own mods for the community. Mod Creation Guide Upload a Mod (Coming Soon) ...